American Cyber VP of Finance Receives CFO Award
Amy Martin, American Cyber’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO), was named Small Private Company CFO of the Year by Virginia Business during an awards ceremony Wednesday, June 20, at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Va.
American Cyber is a government information technology solutions and services provider in Clifton, Va. Ms. Martin oversees American Cyber’s financial and administrative processes and is involved in all decisions affecting the growth and direction of the organization including annual and long range strategic planning processes, policy development, financial stewardship practices, and oversight responsibilities.
“We are pleased that Virginia Business has selected Amy to be honored for her expertise and accomplishments at American Cyber,” said Gary Winkler, American Cyber President. “She is a key member of the executive staff and is directly responsible for our company’s extraordinary 800 percent revenue growth over the past 4 years. She not only handles finance and accounting, but she is also responsible for contracts, Information Technology systems, Human Resources, and Export Compliance. It takes a special person to wear all these hats and do it in such an exemplary manner.”